Основные команды Vim

Esc - переход между режимами работы
vim -R /file #open file in read mod
hjkl #move keys in the Vim text editor. They correspond to the left, down, up, and right arrows.
e #end of word
b #begin of word
() #end and begin of sentence
{} #end and begin of paragraph
^ $ #end and begin of string
1G G #end and begin of file
yy #copy string
yw #copy word
yl #copy char
dd #cut string
dw #cut word
dl #cut char
p #paste
/ #start the search below
? #start the search above
N n #continue search
:e #undo changes
:w #write changes
:q #exit file
:q! или ZQ #quit without saving
:wq! или ZZ #write and quit
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